POFIB Development BV
Postal Financial Business Development
The purpose of this website is to describe the mission and objective of POFIB Development BV, the back ground of the company and the technical assistance and support services to be rendered by POFIB.
The content is focused on supporting stakeholders in the field of Postal Financial services and Post
(savings) banks who are rendering financial services to improve financial inclusion.

Mission: ‘to improve people’s access to financial services’
Improving the accessibility is focused on existing and new mass retail financial services also for un-and under-banked people mostly in developing countries, based on a ‘branchless banking’ concept with an operational and service role for postal financial services networks.
Objective of POFIB
Advise, train and support institutions which deliver services resulting in improving access to financial services for un- and under-banked people.
About us
POFIB Development BV has been founded in 2009 by Piet Biemans. He has intensively been involved in the development of the Postcheque and Giro Center of the Dutch PTT and in the privatisation process of Postbank NV in The Netherlands. During the last 15 years, together with Dutch and international colleagues from the Post and Postbank, he was involved in projects in more than 20 countries to develop on strategic and tactical level postal financial services and post banks.
POFIB services are mainly composed of technical assistance services (advisory, training) and support services for financial sector institutions and other service providers which deliver mass-retail financial services, in co-operation with postal companies and post offices, in a branchless banking concept.
These mass retail financial services providers are mainly postal banks, (postal) savings banks and other retail banks, micro finance initiatives as well as remittances operators (domestic and international).
The support services (accessible via the links site) include the continuous research of POFIB on the web to gather added value for companies and institutions described in the Main Themes on this Website, like (mass) retail financial service providers, postal companies and institutes endorsing the improvement of access to financial services for the un-banked and under-banked.
The links site contains free accessible Web site addresses, divided in three categories namely:
postal institutions: multilateral and unilateral institutions and a number of practices of Postal Financial services;
advancing the poor: institutions focused on advancing the poor and on financial inclusion for the un- and under-banked (multilateral, governmental, charity);
support and practices: supporting organisations for Retail Financial sectors and some practices (including information and research institutions and web-networks and communities);
On the Links site the latest aditions to the web-addresses site will be clarified, like new sites with 
Subjects of Interest site includes relevant news like articles and other information including an Archive.
Via the Contact us site we appreciate to receive reactions and comments on our website. POFIB will do it’s utmost to improve and update the information on a regular basis.
POFIB would appreciate reactions via the Contact us site from interested parties in POFIB services. We will react to you as soon as possible, eventually with a Letter of Intend or Proposal, when requested.
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